Almost every song we listen to, or film we watch is a different length of time. Isn’t it a little strange then that almost every photographer presents their images in a 3:2 ratio which is the exact size of the sensor the information is recorded on. Not me.
Cropping isn’t just about cutting out what isn’t important, its focusing your attention on what is as using different ratios impacts the way an image is perceived. I mean we don’t all view life in a 3:2 ratio, just like we don’t view life in black and white and yet some images are better suited to B&W, just like some images are suited to different ratios.
These photos highlight how different ratios adds drama and variety to a wedding gallery after all an album would be boring if all the songs were at the same at the same tempo and in the same key. Being brave and creating art that stands out form the crowd is something, I strive towards and prefer being creative, edgy rather than safe and boring every day of the week. This was a Saturday.